Monday, August 30, 2010

Couple favorites of mines ... btw my B-days coming up ;)

BxB Intro tee Spottings:

Beautiful girls, all over the worlddd ...
'Preciate the love.

very niceeee.

Va$h Money

Va$htie Kola

Sooo anybody who knows me knows that I have the biggest thing for this beautiful lady here, so every once in a while you guys will see a random pic of her here on the blog...I mean we are gonna get married later on in life =D...
- Thrilla_BxB

Change gon come...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

In a perfect World

So the other day me and my bro(@thrilla_bxb) was talking and somehow the movie Pleasentville came up in the topic, and we were just like how the movie was racist because everybody was good until they got color haha, but then I sat back and thought about it and that wasn't even the case.. it was just a reminder to just be yourself like everybody is trying to be like somebody else because the MACHINE put it in there minds bt thats another topic ...this shows that perfect is not so perfect if you really open your eyes, when you be yourself and stop trying to be perfect it might not be the best thing but your happy and you live how you want, and its not based off something you saw or were trying to just get some color and do you

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Life is meaningless only if we allow it to be. Each of us has the power to give life meaning, to make our time and our bodies and our words into instruments of love and hope.

- Tom Head

Business Men x Women :

...Nothing Personal, Just Business.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Seabreacher X

So when dope gadgets and nature collides this is just the shid that makes me want to progress more and be like who thinks of things like this, a shark submarine the military has nothing on you lol, but this is will prob be on my Christmas list for £60,000 , theres bound to be some ppl terrified out of their minds but hey we gotta have fun someway right, but you can check this out and more on likecool...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

BxB Intro tee Spottings:

Heres a couple pics from earlier this month at 2K Lust volume 2:
Their actually having another party this thursday called No Regrets that i'm sure will be just as bomb as this 1 was. We don't go out much but we try to attend as much of their parties as we can!
You gotta respect young men on their grind, doing something positive (as we too are) and making something of themselves, all the while throwing bomb azz college Parties.
Always bomb Dj'ing, great atmosphere, and tons of eye candy
Here are a few pics...
My boyz Kita x Jcraft (Me in the middle)

Us again and @Frshprince_BxB in the black Intro tee

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Intro Tee(s)

So thanks to allot of hard work good ideas and bad ones and just dedication to a betterment in LIFE we decided to do our own thing and not let someone else decide our destiny so here some more colors from our Intro Tee... When dope ideas meet creativity with a goal and a purpose its like milk..just does the body good

Pic of the Day

So you know when something comes together it just feels right...we'll when i saw this pic I(freshprince_bxb) had to post it cuz shids pretty dopular so in my mind it had to be slapped and karate chopped on the blog as our pic of the day,When dope people can unite through fashion man thats a good feeling at the end of the day...BxB

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

G.o.o.d Music

Been anticipating this mixtape for a while, it comes out soon, if you havent heard anything from Big Sean checkout, Highrise, Made ft. drake and lemonade freestyle, which are my personal favorites. His flow is real unique and I like the braggadocious (if thats a word lol) style, One day he'll def. be in some BxB goods! No conceit, just confidence.

Monday, August 16, 2010


So i(freshprince_bxb) have recently been playing and got addicted to pac-man on my blackberry just passing time but the way I think this might be a little bit more then just simple fun. So you know everyday is a life struggle which ever way you look at it either its financial, health etc... but since my mind works in vast and complex ways i thought pac-man might just be a metaphoric way of how life really is. Everyday you strive for success and happiness( the dots) but everyday theres somebody trying to stop your shine (the ghost) so as you take different paths ducking and dodging just know when you get the big dot(degrees, wealth,etc) it was all worth it.... LIFE

Sunday, August 15, 2010

BxB Intro Tee(s) Spottings:

We love getting emails like this from satisfied BxB customers.

We recently did some hand to hand deliveries and here are a couple pics we recieved from some pretty satisfied customers, pics are pretty awesome too!

Anyone who purchases some BxB apparel we consider apart of the BxBFamily, for believing in us and what were all about, just like our family does.

So if you purchase anything from us now and in the future, send us pics rocking your business attire, they'll be showcased here on the blog and the website, Lets take over together!

Email us at or

check em out:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Lambo dreams, Beach house wishes.

Always loved this painting, need this in my future condo... or maybe my future crib will resemble this... hmmm =)

Pic of the day

This is my homie Kita rocking the Intro tee looking like that dude and you probably will be looking the same rocking the tee but anyways just know the night was dope. We rocked out , so here's the pic of the day

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Yuketen Maine Guide Boots

Its a beautiful thing when culture and fashion can become a mixture the Yuketen Maine Guide Boots, its a mixture of Japanese roots and an American upbringing this is good quality rugged leather uppers paired with an outdoor appropriate Vibram Christy wedge out-sole, these are very dope boots that come in three colors. You can find these on Tres Bien Shop.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Pic(s) of the day

Phresh James in the Intro tee.

Photos taken by UnkleLuc

check out his site :

and Sir Phreshness himself ...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Art Gallery.

Something were both into and passionate about is art. Its another influence on us that got us into designing and making tee's.

You guys will be seeing alot of art post throughout the course of the blog 'cuz its just something were both into. We think art is around us everywhere and is involved in everyday life.

Today the art were bringing to you comes in the form of ink, yes tatz.

We recently stopped by Rock a Billy Tattoo shop here in south florida so Smilez (@FreshPrince_BxB) could get a bomb azz idea he had in the works, put to work (or should I say skin lol).

Our man Lorne, who is probably 1 of the coolest people in the world, real good, funny, genuine duder, got it done while I (Dunkk, @Thrilla_BxB) took some snaps.

His work is so bomb its only right to go to the best.

Tatz are permanent, respect your body if you choose to get them and make sure the artist is professional, their good quality (wont fade) and the artist has dope ink himself/herself, which Lorne has or is all three.

After 2 hours of jokes, good music being played, and me checking out a couple girls that walked in to get ink themselves came to an end, the tat came out superrrr dope and well to my bro's liking.

If your ever in the south florida area or you live here pleaseeee, its a must you check out Rock a Billy Tattoo shop, We approve. Its real chill, real clean, very professional and has very dope artists in there. The art come's out great and arent those tha'tll fade in a couple years if you know what im saying, Its actually where We'll be going to finish and bring to life the rest our art gallery (art on one's body).

Check out their website: ... which lets you kno how dope they are off back from the song that plays on their site.

Check Lorne on facebook :!/pages/Tattoos-By-Lorne-D-Morris/105285166193699?ref=ts

Here are some flicks i took with the bb aka #teamblackberry:

Diamond Life.

...Its all Love.