Thursday, August 5, 2010

Love x Money.

Alot of people we come into contact with always ask us, whats the meaning behind the design and name?

The Name : B*tchesxbusiness.

Its not something we came up with to disrespect women or something we thought sounded cool.

The name was actually a saying we would say to each other which simply represents what we feel everyone is searching for; Love x money.

No matter if your'e a female or a male, Love and money is something we all need. Either its a mothers love for her kids, love in a relationship, Love between siblings or love for what your passionate about, its all Love.

Money, is pretty self explanitory. Its pretty much what we all strive to get and what we work hard for. Wealth and financial comfort is something we all want and have dreamed about having sometime in our life, we look up to rappers, movie stars, fashion designers and etc. because they have reached some inspiring level of wealth that someday we shall achieve.

The Design:

The 2 B's and the x are for the name btchesxbusiness... Their written in this fancy, rich script because thats basically what we represent and will bring in every design and piece of apparel.

The reefs represent the elegance and royalty of what we feels comes hand in hand with love x money followed by the heart (love) and the $ sign which naturally represents money.

So there you have it, if anyone ever asks you what does BxBClothingco is about now you can explain it to them.

We're all about positivity and reaching our dreams, this is one of them that we've brought to reality.

... Nothing personal, Just Business.

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